Plein Chair

Painting from Google Street View while stuck at home

What is this?

We're a community of plein air artists drawing inspiration from the same GPS coordinates on Google Street View. Every two weeks, everyone will be emailed the same location with a boundary radius to explore and paint. And we'll share our results.

Who can join?

If you're an oil painter, charcoal sketcher, watercolor artist, sculptor, or want try something else—join us! This is asynchronous and remote, but we'll all be given the same GPS coordinates as a starting location. After the end of two weeks, everyone will share their work.

Where are the locations?

The location can be anywhere in the world. Submit a location and we'll choose randomly from the pool each week.

Suggest a Google Street View coordinate:

Tip: Start with this GPS randomizer and after landing on an interesting place, search for the same location on Google maps. Then move around Street View to find an area in that region that strikes you.

About Plein Chair

Painting from Google Street View while sitting in a desk chair isn't a direct replacement for going outside and painting alongside a community of artists, but it expands the limits of geography, and might yield fascinating results.This project was inspired by Hong Kong-based landscape artist Stephen Wong Chun Hei, who started painting from Google Maps during his time in quarantine.